Here are some helpful articles that will enable you and your child to successfully navigate the schooling years.

The most effective way to study depends on the type of learner you are.
- If you learn by seeing things, you are a visual learner. Use bright colours when underlining or highlighting key points in your notes. Watch your educators while they talk and make notes, as this will help you to remember and recall facts and ideas.
- If learn by hearing, you are an auditory learner. You need to hear your subject matter, so read your notes out aloud to yourself, sing about your subject matter or tell it to another family member or pet.
- If you learn by touching things, you are a kinaesthetic or tactile person. Pace around the room, tap your foot or squeeze a ball while you study to aid your memory. Demonstrate your subject matter to a study partner or engage in a role-play with them.
Does the thought of exams stress you? To be in the best frame of mind for exams, try not to let stress change your eating and sleeping patterns.
A sudden switch from healthy food to junk food affects your body and your mood. Also, do not rely on commercial substances to stay awake or enhance your concentration. They may make you feel alert while you study, but you probably will not remember much of what you learned when the effect wears off.
By studying steadily throughout the terms, excessive cramming will not be necessary. Exercise can also help to relieve stress.
We live in the digital age and are surrounded by technology, so go ahead and harness technology for your benefit.
Many careers require one to have basic computer knowledge. By acquiring typing skills and becoming familiar with computer software such as Word, PowerPoint, Publisher and Outlook, you are not only gaining valuable skills for the future. As a learner, you can also enhance your marks in class.
Features such as a spell-checker, online thesaurus and translation options can improve language skills, while a wealth of research is but an ‘Enter’ button away. Gaining info from a variety of sources on a topic you are researching improves reading skills, as well as your understanding of the topic. PowerPoint helps you to think logically and draw on creativity to produce good presentations, while Publisher can help you develop basic design skills.
Videos offer much ‘how to’ advice, and there is an abundance of explanatory clips on YouTube. There are also many websites that provide learners with resources to supplement their learning as well as study tools.
Instant messaging apps offer communication channels to stay in contact with classmates after school. As most teenage learners have cell phones, or access to one, these apps are an ideal platform to engage with peers on topics ranging from homework to the content to be covered in the next exam.
As the use and importance of technology continues to increase in society, the effective use of technology by the next generation is both relevant and well worth the effort.